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The moderators and administrators of this forum will do their best to delete or edit any reprehensible messages that may be posted on the forum. You acknowledge that all messages posted on this forum express the opinion of their respective authors, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the moderators and administrators.

In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.

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The Global Forum RulesIf you use our forums, then you must follow these rules. Those who cannot follow the rules will be suspended or banned. Post in English OnlyEnglish is the common language among all of us on the forums, so you must use English only here. If you want to talk with someone in another language, send them a PM. (Check the Alliance forum rules and the Off-topic forum rules for the exceptions to this rule.) No FlamingFlaming means posting rude or hostile comments toward another member. Some people seem to think you have to do this repeatedly before it is called flaming, but that is NOT what it means here. Just don’t do it at all. Be polite. If someone flames you, report it to a moderator rather than flaming back.No Trolling or RantingOne of the purposes of this forum is to help us improve the game through useful feedback from players. If there is a feature that you don’t like in the game, make a suggestion in the Suggestion forum about how to improve it. Don’t just rant about it.No Offensive Language or AvatarsRacist, vulgar, or otherwise offensive comments or avatars are not allowed. We do have a language filter in place to block most of the common offensive words. Do not misspell words on purpose to get around the filter.No Cheater/Offensive Avatar Reports If you want to report another user for ANY reason send a private message to Appoloin with complete details. This could be someone with an offensive avatar, suspected of exploiting a bug, someone with multiple accounts, unusually high stats, or any other form of cheating that may arise. Bottom line: the forum is not a place for pointing fingers.No DT Recruit Links You are not allowed to post your recruit link anywhere on the forums except in your signature. Do not start a new thread asking others to click your link or give you gold. If you are looking for players to exchange links with, join an alliance with an active click master.No Multiple PostingIf you replied to a thread and no one has posted after you yet, do not reply to the thread a second time (or third, fourth, or fifth time!). Instead, use the “Edit” button under your post and change the first post.Do Not Create Multiple Accounts To Post In The ForumIf your forum account has been banned or temporarily suspended, you may create an additional account for the SOLE PURPOSE of private messaging a moderator or administrator to inquire about your account status. Forum suspensions usually last one week. If your account has not been unsuspended in that time, please private message Appoloin. Using an additional account, after the original has been suspended or banned can result in the permanent banning of your original and new forum account. Stay On TopicDo not “hijack” a thread by posting something completely unrelated to the original topic. Even if any of the earlier posts in the thread were already off-topic, do not add to it-- otherwise you would also be breaking this rule! You could start a new thread for the new discussion, or use the PM system if it's a message for a specific person.No Spamming Do not post just for the sake of posting. A forum is not a chat room; don’t use it like one. Try to make every post worthwhile. One or two-word replies that don’t contribute to the discussion (like “bad idea” or “I agree”) are frowned upon. Also, do not post the same thing in more than one forum section; this is considered spam and will be deleted by mods. Post In the Correct ForumRead the rules at the top of each forum to find out what’s allowed there and what’s not. If you’re not sure where to post something, post in Beginners (if it’s DT-related) or Off-topic (if it’s not). Don’t Revive Old Threads Without a Good ReasonDo not “bump” a thread (such as by posting the word “bump”) unless you have something new and worthwhile to add to the discussion. If it was no longer at the top of the page, chances are, others were not interested in discussing it.Do Not Post Other Players’ Exact Stats You can either post rounded stats, or use ***’s to hide the name of the person the stats belong to. this can only be posted in blacklist. If you want to post your own stats, that is fine, but usually not recommended. ;)No Adult Images or LanguageDo not post adult images in your avatar or signature or link to them in your posts. Some of the users on this forum are quite young, and we also have people of all ages playing from work or public places, or who just don’t want to see those kinds of images!There is a chat filter. In keeping with our family friendly atmosphere, adult-only discussions and comments are also not allowed. When in doubt, check with a mod before starting your thread. No Advertising For Other Sites. Do not post links to other websites such as other online games, programs, or get-rich-quick schemes. Do not discuss or post links to sites that offer illegal downloads of software or media.Keep Your Sig Fairly SmallDo not use a signature that is excessively tall or wide or has an unusually large file size. The content of the post itself should be the main part of the post, NOT the signature. If a mod asks you to change your sig, you must do so.________________________________________Forum GuidelinesThe following are not hard and fast rules, but more like “suggestions for coolness” ;) Look Before PostingThe best way to get a feel for what’s welcome here is by reading what others have already posted. Also, look through the “sticky” posts at the top of each forum section; they contain information that many new users post about.Use Proper English We understand that English may not be your native language, but try your best to use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Don’t use too much Internet slang, “l33t sp34k”, or abbreviations. Even if you can read your own posts, remember that English may not be the primary language of the people reading them.Learn to SearchIf you have a question or comment about the game, there’s a good chance someone else has asked the same thing in the past… which means the answer/discussion is probably somewhere out there. Save the mods and forum regulars the trouble of repeating themselves or linking you to the older thread. Use the “Search” button at the top to find the answer. Don’t be lazy.Use Smiley’s When Needed Sometimes it’s hard to tell whether someone is joking or being serious on the forums. Use smileys/emoticons or [sarcasm] tags to help avoid misunderstandings.Choose a Good Title For Your ThreadChoose a thread title that is related to what you plan to talk about. Be specific. Do not pick a title like “Hello” or “My Idea” or “Please reply”.Read the Whole Thread Before Replying It is quite annoying to read a thread where different people make the same comments, over and over again. We don’t expect you to have read every post ever written, but if you are going to reply to a thread, at least show that you read it before you reply.Only Quote the Part You Are Replying AboutIf you are only referring to a single comment within a very long post, only quote the part you are talking about, and the name of the person who said it originally. Delete the rest of the post—it only takes up space, and anyone who wants to read the rest can scroll up to find it.